Film/TV/Radio |
Bamse and the Secret of The Sea (in production) | (Nordisk film 2025/ Christian Ryltenius) |
Bamse and the World’s Smallest Adventure | (Nordisk film 2023/ Christian Ryltenius) |
Who are you, Mamma Moo? | (SF Studios 2023/ Christian Ryltenius) |
Cell 8 | (Misofilm 2022/ Johan Brisinger) |
Mamma mu comes home | (SF Studios 2020/ Christian Ryltenius) |
Bamse and the Thunderbell | (SF Studios 2018/ Christian Ryltenius) |
Bamse and the witch´s daughter | (Tre Vänner 2016/ Christian Ryltenius) |
Grandios |
(Indimo Films, 2015) |
Arom av cacao |
(Darling Desperados, 2014) |
Bamse and the city of thieves |
(Tre Vänner 2014/ Christian Ryltenius) |
At home with Kjell Alinge | (Seven Frames 2013/ Pehr Arte) |
The Greveholm Castle mystery II | (Way Creative 2012/ Dan Zethraeus) |
i Anneli DVDversion | (SVT 2011/ Dan Zethraeus) |
Elsa and the bedtime stories |
(Sluggerfilm 2010/ Christian Ryltenius) |
Hardys blues | (Darling Desperados 2010) |
Among us |
(Drama svecia 2010/Johan Brisinger) |
The man under the staircase |
(SVTDrama 2009/ Daniel Lind Lagerlöf) |
Wallander – the pyramide |
(Tre Vänner 2008/ Daniel Lind Lagerlöf) |
Suddenly | (Drama svecia 2006/Johan Brisinger) |
Passing hearts |
(Drama svecia 2004/Johan Brisinger) |
The confession |
(SVTDrama 2000/ Daniel Lind Lagerlöf) |
Hunting down a killer |
(SVTDrama 1998/ Alexander Moberg) |
Exile | (SR 2000 radiodokumentär av J-D Spoerer) |
Ikon | (SVT 2000, ljudläggning till programserie) |
Amal | (Dramatiska Institutet 1994/ Lucia Caichanova) |
Dog-Walk | (Nils Bergendahl 1992) |
Stone-Walk | (Christian Ryltenius 1992) |
… | |
Commercials and television themes
Viggo Foundation | (Herr Omar, 2024) |
Unicef | (Swedish Frames, 2020) |
Polisförbundet | (Swedish Frames, 2020) |
Vimla – Invasofobi | (Swedish Frames, 2020) |
Storytech | (Swedish Frames, 2020) |
CorPower | (Swedish Frames, 2019) |
MaxCyte – Magic Butterfly | (Swedish Frames, 2019) |
Animech – MaxCyte | (Swedish Frames, 2019) | | (Lidénfilm/Swedish Frames, 2018) |
Vi är cyklist | (Swedish Frames, 2017) |
Unicef | (Swedish Frames, 2017) |
Life Support Foundation | (Swedish Frames, 2016) |
Nupo | (Way Creative Films, 2012) |
Arsenal | (Radioaktivefilm, 2012) |
Gröna Lund | (Flodellfilm, 2011) |
SOS Barnbyar | (Flodellfilm, 2011) |
I Anneli | (SVT, 2010) |
Veckans Föreställning | (Dallas STHLM SVT, 2010) |
Filmklubben | (Dallas STHLM SVT, 2010) |
Diamondbrite | (Seven Frames, 2010) |
Business2.0 | (Citron Haligman Bedecarré, 2000) |
Canal+ | (Flodellfilm, 2000) |
Start (Radiospot) | (Ajax Aktiv, 1999) |
BT Telecom | (AMV/BBDO, 1999) |
Golfkanalen (Vinjett) | (Eales & Bonis Film, 1999) |
HealOn5 | (Eales & Bonis Film, 1998) |
Regaine | (Eales & Bonis Film, 1998) |
Jotun Lady | (Eales & Bonis Film, 1998) |
CeeOn 912 | (Eales & Bonis Film, 1998) |
TipTV | (Eales & Bonis Film, 1998) |
Italienska ligan | (Eales & Bonis Film, 1997) |
NFL Touchdown | (Eales & Bonis Film, 1997) |
Xalatan | (Eales & Bonis Film, 1997) |
Economist Europe | (AMV/BBDO, 1997) |
Cyklo-F | (Bates,1997) |
Nicorette II | (Bates,1996) |
Nicorette | (Bates,1996) |
X2000 | (Mekano,1996) |
Beijer Bygg | (Pingvinfilm,1994) |
Löfbergs Lila | (Mekano,1994) |
BMW | (Mekano,1994) |
BRA-mjölk | (Notorious,1994) |
Ekströms | (Notorious,1994) |
Femina | (Notorious,1993) |
Löfbergs Lila | (Notorious,1992) |
… | |
Corporate |
CINIS | (Swedish Frames, 2024) |
SeaQurrent | (Swedish Frames, 2024) |
SICS | (Swedish Frames, 2024) |
Polisförbundet framgångskraft | (Swedish Frames, 2022) |
CorPower Waveplant | (Swedish Frames, 2022) |
Neonode | (Swedish Frames, 2022) |
CorPower Powerplant | (Swedish Frames, 2021) |
Sjöfartsverket | (Framelab, 2018) |
Animech 2018 | (Swedish Frames, 2018) |
Swedish Frames 2018 | (Swedish Frames, 2018) |
Plan international (VRfilm) | (Swedish Frames, 2017) |
Uppsala kommun (VRfilm) | (Swedish Frames, 2017) |
Sjöfartsverket | (Swedish Frames, 2016) |
ADHD på jobbet | (Swedish Frames, 2016) |
Lantbruksbarometern | (Filmpoint, 2014) |
SAP | (Cinemantrix, 2014) |
Lange – retorik | (Cinemantrix, 2014) |
Socialstyrelsen |
(Cinemantrix, 2013) |
Malmö stad |
(Cinemantrix, 2012) |
DeLaval | (Cinemantrix, 2012) |
Lange Show | (Cinemantrix, 2012) |
Volvo Hose Service | (Makaron produktion, 2012) |
Team M Air show | (ADD Media, 2011) |
Chaufförskampen | (Seven Frames, 2010) |
Sandvik Coromant | (Videa, 2007) |
… | |
Stage plays
Mispocha/familjen | (Anette Sallmander 2024/ Voula Kereklidou) |
Anna, du kan väl stanna | (Darling Desperados 2024/ Rodolfo García Vázquez) |
Ett resande teatersällskap | (Kullehusteatern 2018/ Anita Ekström) |
Madame Tartuffe | (Kullehusteatern 2017/ Anita Ekström) |
Krig på fjärde våningen | (Uppsala Stadsteater 2017/ Mikaela Ramel) |
Fröken Julie | (Kullehusteatern 2016/ Mikaela Ramel) |
Norénlandia | (Stockholms Dramatiska Högskola 2015/ Ulrika Malmgren) |
Pelikanen | (Strindbergs Intima Teater 2015/ Richard Turpin) |
Innan jorden rämnar | (Uppsala Stadsteater 2014/ Mikaela Ramel) |
Inferno | (Under produktion 2013/ Ulf Pilov) |
We dream, we hope |
(Norrtälje teater 2011/ Yngve Dahlberg) |
The banale love |
(Uppsala Stadsteater 2010/ Voula Kereklidou) |
Aladdin the menace |
(Sörmlands Musik & Teater 2006/ V Kereklidou) |
Easter (Strindberg) |
(Riksteatern 2005/ Voula Kereklidou) |
A cloud in pants (Majakovskij) |
(Uppsala Stadsteater 2003/ V Kereklidou) |
The merchand in Venice |
(Uppsala Stadsteater 2003/ V Kereklidou) |
Stack | (Stockholms Stadsteater 2002/ P Berg-Holbeck) |
A beautiful world |
(Galeasen 2001, Darling Desperados) |
Crave | (Pistolteatern 2001,Darling Desperados) |
Maria Stuart | (Uppsala Stadsteater 2000/ V Kereklidou) |
The untouchables |
(Stockholms Nya 1999/ Lena Nylén) |
Night of the vampires |
(Darling Desperados 1999, Södra Teatern) |
Oscar Wilde – the trials |
(Dramaten 1998/ Richard Turpin) |
Holy Johanna from the slaughterhouses |
(Teater Tribunalen 1998/ Henrik Dahl) |
Karl XII | (Teater Tribunalen 1997/ Voula Kereklidou) |
Krutdurken | (Teater Tribunalen 1997/ Richard Turpin) |
Edmund Ironside | (Teater Tribunalen 1997/ Henrik Dahl) |
In the country |
(Teater Tribunalen 1997/ Richard Turpin) |
Five little circuspigs |
(Darling Desperados 1997, Södra Teatern) |
Roberto Zucco | (Teater Tribunalen 1996/ Richard Turpin) |
Holyroodwives | (Darling Desperados 1996/Göran Stangertz) |
Bock i Örtagård | (Kalabalikteatern 1995/ Bodil Mårtensson) |
Tri-Angel | (1995/ Kajsa Bramsvik) |
Free falling |
(Boulevardteatern 1995/ Kajsa Bramsvik) |
DiscoShow | (Studion 1995/ Lill-Marit Bugge) |
The Master & Margarita |
(Darling Desperados 1994/ Kajsa Bramsvik) |
Bombi Bitt | (Darling Desperados 1992/ Dag Norgård) |
Stars | (Darling Desperados 1992/ Kajsa Bramsvik) |
When she danced | (Darling Desperados 1991/ Kajsa Bramsvik) |
Final solution |
(Darling Desperados 1991/ Göran Stangertz) |
… | |
Exhibitions & Concerts
We are Seediq – exhibition at Etnografiska museet | (Swedish Frames, 2023) |
Bamse och Häxans dotter live with Gothenborgs symphonic orchestra | (Göteborgs konserthus, jan 2017) |
Konsert with Swedish film music performed by Arméns Blåsorkester | Suite from Bamse and the city of thieves (Berwaldhallen, feb 2017) |
We have a dream | (Fotografiska Museet, music and sound design for photo exhibition by Albert Wiking, dec 2016) |
Happy Campers | (Interactive part of an exhibition of Swedish drinking habits at Galärvarvet in Stockholm, 2012) |
Climate Justice | (One of four films in a project named Tankeväckarprojektet, four artistic films with topics regarding problematic areas in our society of today) |
Eldvatten | (Multimedial exhibition at Lunds Konsthall 1998/ after that on tour around Sweden 2001) |
Communicéum | (Multimedia installation at Ericssons headquarters, 1997) |
Concert of electroacoustic music |
(Kulturhuset 1996) |
Concert of electroacoustic music | (Fylkingen 1995) |
… | |
Other |
Ronny och Julia i rampljuset | (Young Genius, 2000) music for CD-rom game |
Lev människa för helvete så länge du kan | (Seven Frames, 2011) documentary about Roy Andersson, sound design and final mastring of sound |
Bonniers Topphälsa | (Videa, 2010-2011) |
Bonniers M-magasin | (Newnew, 2011) |
Interactive Institute | (2002-2004) specialist in sound and music. Worked with research in finding new ways to use sound and music in interactive environments |
Story Sound | (2000-02) headed a sound edit studio with focus on artistic and documentary films. |